Bydels-Buddha er en roman av den britiske forfatteren Hanif Kureishi. Den ble utgitt første gang i Storbritannia i 1990. Boken utgjorde gjennombruddet til Kureishi som romanforfatter, er oversatt til 20 språk og kom i norsk utgave i 1991 ved Cappelens forlag. Kureishi vant med Bydels-Buddha prisen Whitbread award for …

Intimacy was published in 1998 by Hanif Kureishi. The novel deals with a middle-aged man and his thoughts about leaving his wife and two young sons.

Described by Stuart Hall as "one of the most riveting and important films produced by a black writer in recent years," My Beautiful Laundrette was a significant production for its director Stephen Frears and its writer Hanif Kureshi. Christine Geraghty considers it a crossover film: between television and cinema, …