Information is endlessly available to us; where shall wisdom be found?" is the crucial question with which renowned literary critic Harold Bloom begins this impassioned book on the pleasures and benefits of reading well. For more than forty years, Bloom has transformed college students into lifelong readers with his …

Canonul occidental este o carte a criticului literar american Harold Bloom, publicată în 1994 în limba engleză. A fost tradusă în limba română în 1998, la Editura Univers, și în 2007 la Editura Art, într-o nouă traducere.

The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry is a 1973 book by Harold Bloom. It was the first in a series of books that advanced a new "revisionary" or antithetical approach to literary criticism. Bloom's central thesis is that poets are hindered in their creative process by the ambiguous relationship they necessarily …

Journeying from the Bible to twentieth-century writings, the distinguished literary critic and author of Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human explores the ways in which literature can transform and shape one's life, discussing such topics as the Book of Job and Ecclesiastes, Plato and Homer, St. Augustine, Freud …