La cabana de l'oncle Tom és una novel·la anti-esclavitud de l'escriptora americana Harriet Beecher Stowe. Publicada el 1852, sovint es descriu la seva importància històrica en el context de la Guerra Civil dels Estats Units i la rellevància que tingué en l'argumentari de la causa abolicionista. Fou la novel·la més …

The Minister's Wooing is a historical novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe, first published in 1859. Set in 18th-century New England, the novel explores New England history, highlights the issue of slavery, and critiques the Calvinist theology in which Stowe was raised. Due to similarities in setting, comparisons are often …

"Pink and White Tyranny" is a comedy of manners on the institution of marriage in the nineteenth century. Lillie Ellis, a professional belle, has been spoiled, petted, and flattered since the day she was born. When she tricks the adoring and upright John Seymour into marriage, it is unclear who is the victim and who …

Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp is the second popular novel from American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was first published in two volumes by Phillips, Sampson and Company in 1856. Although it enjoyed better initial sales than her previous, and more famous, novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, it was ultimately less …