image of Harry Harrison

Harry Harrison

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Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers is a comic science fiction novel by Harry Harrison. It is a parody of the space opera genre and in particular, the Lensman and Skylark series of E. E. "Doc" Smith. It also includes an homage to Larry Niven's Ringworld. It is about two college students, Chuck van Chider and his …

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Deathworld 3 is a book published in 1968 that was written by Harry Harrison.

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The Hammer and the Cross is the first part in a trilogy written by Harry Harrison and John Holm, a pseudonym for the Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey. The book chronicles the rise of the protagonist Shef, bastard son of a Viking and an English lady. The book is set in the 9th century England where Viking raids are common …

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Tunnel Through the Deeps is a 1972 alternate history/science fiction novel by Harry Harrison. It was serialized in Analog magazine beginning in the April 1972 issue. The title refers to the construction of a submerged floating-tube pontoon bridge/tunnel across the Atlantic Ocean in the novel.

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Filmowy wehikuł czasu – powieść science fiction amerykańskiego pisarza Harry'ego Harrisona, napisana w 1967 roku, w Polsce wydana po raz pierwszy w 1994 roku. Barney Hendrickson próbuje ratować swoją wytwórnię filmową za pomocą wynalazku profesora Hewetta. Jest nim wehikuł czasu, Barney postanawia przenieść się do do …

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Deathworld 2 is a book published in 1964 that was written by Harry Harrison.