Haruki Murakami is unquestionably Japan!|s leading novelist with his many works { fiction and non-fiction { consistently reflecting contemporary Japanese life while, unusually, sustaining an international appeal through a deeply human perspective. Sputnik Sweetheart is his ninth novel, written in 1999, and tells the …
A sleek, gripping novel of encounters set in Tokyo during the spooky hours between midnight and dawn, by an internationally renowned literary phenomenon.Murakami's trademark humor, psychological insight, and grasp of spirit and morality are here distilled with an extraordinary, harmonious mastery. Combining the …
"A Wild Sheep Chase" is one of Murakami's most fantastical novels. An advertising executive, infatuated with a girl who possesses the most perfect ears (an erotic charge for him) uses a picture of a sheep with a star on its back. This catapults him into a weird adventure to find the mythical sheep up in the wilds of …
In this hyperkinetic and relentlessly inventive novel, Japan’s most popular (and controversial) fiction writer hurtles into the consciousness of the West. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World draws readers into a narrative particle accelerator in which a split-brained data processor, a deranged scientist, …
Kafka på stranden er en roman af den japanske forfatter Haruki Murakami fra 2002. Bogen er blevet beskrevet som "en vidunderlig magisk roman om livet, kærligheden og døden."
Trækopfuglens krønike er en roman af den japanske forfatter Haruki Murakami. Romanen bliver anset for hans hovedværk og blev udgivet i 1994. Romanen var oprindeligt 3 mindre bøger som blev samlet i dette værk. Bogens genre er svær at fastsætte, men kan overordnet set bedst tilpasses den litterære gren kaldet magisk …