Acclaimed entertainer Hans Schnier collapses when his beloved Marie leaves him because he won’t marry her within the Catholic Church. The desertion triggers a searing re-examination of his life — the loss of his sister during the war, the demands of his millionaire father, and the hypocrisies of his mother, who first …

Onoarea pierdută a Katharinei Blum este un roman scris de Heinrich Böll și publicat în 1974. El se vrea a fi o pledoarie în favoarea democrației și a drepturilor individuale. Romanul a fost prelucrat ca piesă de teatru și libret pentru operă. De asemenea, a devenit de mai multe ori subiect de film, fiind ecranizat …

Billiards at Half-past Nine is a 1959 novel by the West German author Heinrich Böll. The entirety of the narrative takes place on the day of September 6, 1958 but the story stretches back through the use of flashbacks and the retelling of memories of the characters. It focuses on the Faehmel family's history starting …

Fotografie de grup cu doamnă este un roman scris de Heinrich Böll și publicat în 1971. Romanul are în centrul său o femeie numită Leni Pfeiffer și prietenii săi, dușmani, iubiți, angajatori și alții; el spune povestea tuturor acestor oameni dintr-un mic oraș aflat în vestul Germaniei în anii '30 și '40 ai secolului al …

In IRISH JOURNAL, Heinrich Boll the celebrated novelist becomes Heinrich Boll the relatively obscure traveler, touring Ireland in the mid-1950s with his wife and children. While time may stand still in Irish pubs, Boll does not, and his descriptions of his various travels throughout Ireland are as vivid and compelling …

And Never Said a Word is a novel by German author Heinrich Böll, published in 1953. The novel deals with the thoughts and actions of Fred and Käte Bogner, a married couple. Fred, feeling sick of the poverty of their house, has left her with their three children. They continue to meet on a casual basis every time Fred …