During the last 25 years of his life, Heinrich Heine lived in Paris for the most part, and there he contributed to the Revue de Deux Mondes a series of prose articles on the religious and political history of Germany, a subject in which he had a deep and lasting interest. Those articles, collected here, cover the …
Germany. A Winter's Tale is a satirical epic poem by the German writer Heinrich Heine, describing the thoughts of a journey from Paris to Hamburg the author made in Winter 1843. The title refers to Shakespeare's Winter's Tale, similar to his poem Atta Troll: Ein Sommernachtstraum, written 1841–46.
Die Harzreise è un racconto di viaggio di Heinrich Heine. Redatto nell'autunno 1824, uscì inizialmente nel 1826 come libro, per poi essere pubblicato con varie modifiche nella rivista Der Gesellschafter di Friedrich Wilhelm Gubitz. Il libro si presenta come un frammento, come Heine stesso lo definì, e fu il primo …