In The Marquise of O-, a virtuous widow finds herself unaccountably pregnant. And although the baffled Marquise has no idea when this happened, she must prove her innocence to her doubting family and discover whether the perpetrator is an assailant or lover. Michael Kohlhaas depicts an honourable man who feels …

『ミヒャエル・コールハース』は、クライストの中編小説。1806年『フェーブス』6月号に序盤が掲載され、1810年『小説集』第一巻に完全版が収録された。領主の不正への憤りから暴徒の頭となった商人ミヒャエル・コールハースの運命を描いた作品で、16世紀に実在したザクセンの体制反逆者ハンス・コールハースの行状を記した古記録を典拠としている。 …

One of 60 low-priced classic texts published to celebrate Penguin's 60th anniversary. All the titles are extracts from "Penguin Classics" titles.

The Prince of Homburg is a play by Heinrich von Kleist written in 1809–10, but not performed until 1821, after the author's death. A performance during his lifetime was not possible because Princess Marianne of Prussia, by birth a member of the Hesse-Homburg family, to whom Kleist had given sight of the work with a …