Deník Bridget Jonesové je román britské spisovatelky Helen Fieldingové. Jedná se o první ze tří knih s hlavní hrdinkou Bridget Jonesovou. Jak již název napovídá, jde o deník, který je psaný třicetiletou ženou.Kniha je plná vtipu a sarkasmu. Příběh začal vycházet v roce 1995 na pokračování v britském deníku The …

Lurching from the cappuccino bars of Notting Hill to the blissed-out shores of Thailand, everyone's favorite Singleton Bridget Jones begins her search for The Truth in spite of pathetically unevolved men, insane dating theories, and Smug Married advice. She experiences a zeitgeist-esque Spiritual Epiphany somewhere …

Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination is Helen Fielding's fifth book, a light-hearted spy thriller published in 2004. It chronicles the adventures of Olivia Joules, a freelance journalist with an "overactive imagination". After meeting the handsome Pierre Feramo, Olivia immediately comes to the conclusion that …

Disillusioned with life as a literary publicist in London and sick of her hotshot TV presenter boyfriend, twenty-something Rosie Richardson decides to give up glitz for good deeds and escape to Africa to run a refugee camp. When famine strikes and a massive refugee influx threatens to overwhelm the camp, officials …