"Seeba kuninganna sõrmus" on Henry Rider Haggardi 1910. aastal ilmunud seiklusromaan, milles kesksel kohal on Seeba kuningannale kuulunud sõrmus. Eestikeelne tõlge ilmus 1960. aastal sarjas "Seiklusjutte maalt ja merelt".
She — subtitled A History of Adventure — is a novel by H. Rider Haggard, first serialised in The Graphic magazine from October 1886 to January 1887. She is one of the classics of imaginative literature, and one of the best-selling books of all time, with over 83 million copies sold in 44 different languages as of …
She and Allan is a novel by H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1921. It brought together his two most popular characters, Ayesha from She, and Allan Quatermain from King Solomon's Mines. Its significance was recognized by its republication by the Newcastle Publishing Company as the sixth volume of the celebrated …