《你往何处去》是1905年诺贝尔文学奖得主显克维支的历史小说,记述罗马帝国尼禄时期的一段历史,描写了在尼禄王统治下的社会。 《你往何处去》于1895年出版。根据瑞典学院常任秘书C·D·奥·威尔森的〈颁奖辞〉,出版一年内《你往何处去》英译本仅英、美两国就销售了八十万册,波兰史专家布鲁克纳教授则在1901年估计,这本书仅英、美两国就销售了两百万本。到1905年显克维支获得诺贝尔文学奖时,《你往何处去》已经三十种以上的各语言译本。 …

With Fire and Sword is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz, published in 1884. It is the first volume of a series known to Poles as The Trilogy, followed by The Deluge and Fire in the Steppe. The novel has been adapted as a film several times, most recently in 1999. With Fire and Sword is a …

The Knights of the Cross or The Teutonic Knights is a 1900 historical novel written by the eminent Polish Positivist writer and the 1905 Nobel laureate, Henryk Sienkiewicz. Its first English translation was published in the same year as the original. The book was serialized by the magazine Tygodnik Illustrowany …

Fire in the Steppe is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz, published in 1888. It is the third volume in a series known to Poles as "The Trilogy", being preceded by With Fire and Sword and The Deluge. The novel's protagonist is Michał Wołodyjowski.

In Desert and Wilderness is a popular young adult novel by Polish author and Nobel Prize-winning novelist Henryk Sienkiewicz, written in 1912. It is the author's only novel written for children/teenagers. In Desert and Wilderness tells the story of two young friends, Staś Tarkowski and Nel Rawlison, kidnapped by …

The Deluge is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz, published in 1886. It is the second volume of a three-volume series known to Poles as "The Trilogy," having been preceded by With Fire and Sword and followed by Fire in the Steppe. The novel tells a story of a fictional Polish-Lithuanian …

With Fire and Sword is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz, published in 1884. It is the first volume of a series known to Poles as The Trilogy, followed by The Deluge and Fire in the Steppe. The novel has been adapted as a film several times, most recently in 1999. With Fire and Sword is a …