Tintin in the Congo is the second volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. Commissioned by the conservative Belgian newspaper Le Vingtième Siècle for its children's supplement Le Petit Vingtième, it was serialised weekly from May 1930 to June 1931. The story tells of young …
Tintin v Sovjetski zvezi je prvi strip komične zbirke Tintinove dogodivščine. Napisan je bil leta 1929. Mladi častnikar Tintin se s svojim psičkom Švrkom odpravi v Sovjetsko zvezo, kjer naj bi poročal o razmerah v državi, a boljševiki si na vsak način prizadevajo odstraniti Tintina, da ta ne bi mogel poročati tujim …
Along with Mickey Mouse and Asterix, Tintin is one of the world's most recognizable cartoon characters. If you haven't read any of his adventures, you are missing a real pleasure. The clean, crisp art style that defines modern European comics is almost entirely the influence of Hergé. Considered to be one of Hergé's …