Krabben med de gyldne klør er et tegneseriealbum i serien Tintins opplevelser skrevet og illustrert av Hergé fra Belgia. Albumet handler, som alle de andre albumene i serien, om reporteren Tintin. Det var også det albumet som introduserte Kaptein Haddock. Krabben med de gyldne klør var det niende albumet i serien og …

Along with Mickey Mouse and Asterix, Tintin is one of the world's most recognizable cartoon characters. If you haven't read any of his adventures, you are missing a real pleasure. The clean, crisp art style that defines modern European comics is almost entirely the influence of Hergé. Considered to be one of Hergé's …

Den blå lotus er et tegneseriealbum som omhandler journalisten Tintin. Forfatter og illustratør er den belgiske tegneserieskaperen Hergé. Serien ble publisert i avisen Le Petit Vingtième før den ble samlet og utgitt som album i 1936.

Faraos sigarer er et tegneseriealbum i Tintin-serien, skrevet og illustrert av belgieren Hergé. Det er det fjerde Tintin-albumet, og ble opprinnelig publisert i Le Petit Vingtième, barnebilaget til den belgiske avisen Le Vingtième Siècle, mellom desember 1932 og august 1934. Historien ble publisert som album i …

The Seven Crystal Balls begins on a light note, as Captain Haddock tries to adjust to his new life as a gentleman following the events of Red Rackham's Treasure. He wears a monocle and frequents the music hall, where in a not-unusual coincidence he and Tintin happen to find General Alcazar (The Broken Ear) and the …

The Secret of the Unicorn was one of the first truly great Tintin adventures and Herge's personal favorite, combining a puzzling mystery with a ripping pirate yarn. When Tintin finds a magnificent model ship in the street market, his attempt to buy it for Captain Haddock leads him on a trail of pickpockets, burglars, …

Tintin begins his greatest adventure when he and Captain Haddock are rather cryptically summoned to join Professor Calculus in Klow. It turns out that the professor has joined a consortium in order to build a rocket that will land a person on the moon (this was in 1953, well before Neil Armstrong). Unfortunately, the …

Red Rackham's Treasure is the twelfth volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. The story was serialised daily in Le Soir, Belgium's leading francophone newspaper, from February to September 1943 amidst the German occupation of Belgium during World War II. Completing an arc …

Prisoners of the Sun is the fourteenth volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. The story was serialised weekly in the newly established Tintin magazine from September 1946 to April 1948. Completing an arc begun in The Seven Crystal Balls, the story tells of young reporter …