Siddhartha on Hermann Hessen vuonna 1922 julkaistu romaani. Saksankielisen alkuteoksen alaotsikko on Eine indische Dichtung. Siddhartha sijoittuu Buddhan aikaan. Vaikka kirjan päähenkilö jakaakin saman nimen Buddhan eli Siddhartha Gautaman kanssa, on kyseessä eri henkilö. Siddharthan ystävän Govindan nimi on …

Arosusi on Hermann Hessen vuonna 1927 julkaistu, osittain omaelämäkerrallinen romaani. Sitä pidetään Lasihelmipelin ohella Hessen tunnetuimpana ja luetuimpana teoksena.

Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth is a Bildungsroman by Hermann Hesse, first published in 1919; a prologue was added in 1960. Demian was first published under the pseudonym "Emil Sinclair", the name of the narrator of the story, but Hesse was later revealed to be the author.

Lasihelmipeli on Hermann Hessen viimeinen romaani ja hänen tunnetuin teoksensa Arosuden ja Siddharthan ohella. Vuonna 1943 julkaistu Lasihelmipeli lienee edesauttanut merkittävästi Hessen vuonna 1946 saamaa Nobel-palkintoa. Kirja kertoo Kastalian maakunnasta, jossa keskitytään tieteisiin, taiteisiin ja niin kutsuttuun …

In Hermann Hesse's Beneath the Wheel, Hans Giebernath lives among the dull and respectable townsfolk of a sleepy Black Forest village. When he is discovered to be an exceptionally gifted student, the entire community presses him onto a path of serious scholarship. Hans dutifully follows the regimen of study and …

Journey to the East is a short novel by German author Hermann Hesse. It was first published in German in 1932 as "Die Morgenlandfahrt". This novel came directly after his biggest international success, Narcissus and Goldmund.

Peter Camenzind, a young man from a Swiss mountain village, leaves his home and eagerly takes to the road in search of new experience. Traveling through Italy and France, Camenzind is increasingly disillusioned by the suffering he discovers around him; after failed romances and a tragic friendship, his idealism fades …

A collection of twenty-two fairy tales by the Nobel Prize-winning novelist, most translated into English for the first time, show the influence of German Romanticism, psychoanalysis, and Eastern religion on his development as an author.