Whit, or, Isis amongst the unsaved is a novel by the Scottish writer Iain Banks, published in 1995. Isis Whit, a young but important member of a small, quirky cult in Scotland, narrates. The community suspects that Isis' cousin Morag is in danger, and sends Isis out to help.
Tähystä tuulenpuolta on Iain M. Banksin kirjoittama tieteisromaani. Se on Kulttuuriin sijoittuvan niin sanotun Kulttuuri-sarjan kuudes romaani. Juoni Romaanin päätapahtumat sijoittuvat Masaq-kiertoratamaailmaan, jossa chelgrialainen kuuluisa säveltäjä nimeltään Ziller elää maanpaossa. Masaqille saapuu lähettiläs …
Transition is a novel by Iain Banks, first published in 2009. The American edition was published under the name "Iain M. Banks", which is the name Banks used for his science fiction work.
The Steep Approach to Garbadale is a novel by the Scottish writer Iain Banks, published in 2007. The novel had at least two working titles, Matter and Empire!
The State of the Art is a short story collection by Scottish writer Iain M. Banks, first published in 1991. The collection includes some stories originally published under his other byline, Iain Banks as well as the title novella and others set in Banks' Culture fictional universe.
The Bridge is a novel by Scottish author Iain Banks. It was published in 1986. The book switches between three protagonists, John Orr, Alex, and the Barbarian. It is an unconventional love story.