Amazon Best Books of the Month, November 2012: One of McEwan's finest female characters, Serena Frome--"rhymes with plume," the author tells us in the opening line--is both clever and beautiful, a speed-reading lit geek and a math whiz, a 1970s version of the Harvard MBA types who launch life-changing Internet …

In Between the Sheets is the second collection of short stories by British writer Ian McEwan.

Peter Fortune is a daydreamer. He's a quiet ten year old who can't help himself from dropping out of reality and into the amazing world of his vivid imagination. His daydreams are fantastic and fascinating - only in the bizarre and disturbing world of dreams can he swap bodies with the family cat and his baby cousin, …

Ian McEwan's Somerset Maugham Award-winning collection First Love, Last Rites brought him instant recognition as one of the most influential voices writing in England today. Taut, brooding, and densely atmospheric, these stories show us the ways in which murder can arise out of boredom, perversity can result from …

Masumiyet ya da Özel İlişki, İngiliz yazar Ian McEwan'ın 1990 yılında basılan romanı. Romanda Soğuk Savaş döneminde gizli görevle Berlin'e gönderilen Leonard Marnham adlı bir İngilizin hikayesi anlatılmaktadır.

Yabancı Kucak, İngiliz yazar Ian McEwan'ın 1981 yılında basılan romanı. Romanda Mary ve Colin adlı bir İngiliz çiftinin Venedik'te tatilde iken Robert ve Caroline çifti ile karşılaşmasının ardından meydana gelen olaylar anlatılmaktadır. 1990 yılında sinemaya uyarlamış ve filmin başrollerinde Rupert Everett, …