Detective John Rebus: His city is being terrorized by a baffling series of murders...and he's tied to a maniac by an invisible knot of blood. Once John Rebus served in Britain's elite SAS. Now he's an Edinburgh cop who hides from his memories, misses promotions and ignores a series of crank letters. But as the …
Blood Hunt is a 1995 crime novel by Ian Rankin, under the pseudonym Jack Harvey. It is the third novel he wrote under this name.
John Rebus has to face up to the most savage and senseless crime imaginable, one in which all his knowledge of human motivation is rendered useless and one that will take him to the heart of human darkness.
All the short stories in "Crimespotting" are brand new and specially commissioned. The brief was deceptively simple - each story must be set in Edinburgh and feature a crime. The results range from hard-boiled police procedural to historical whodunit and from the wildly comic to the spookily supernatural.