A student has gone missing in Edinburgh. She's not just any student, though, but the daughter of well-to-do and influential bankers. There's almost nothing to go on until DI John Rebus gets an unmistakable gut feeling that there's more to this than just another runaway spaced out on unaccustomed freedom. Two leads …

Dead Souls is a 1999 crime novel by Ian Rankin. It is the tenth of the Inspector Rebus novels. It was the third episode in the Rebus television series starring John Hannah, airing in 2001.

À Édimbourg, ça ne va pas fort pour l'inspecteur John Rebus. Il s'est fait jeter dehors par sa maîtresse et Michael, son frère fraîchement libéré de prison, débarque chez lui. Puis, un cuisinier fanatique d'Elvis Presley envoie Holmes, l'un de ses collègues, dans le coma. Enquêtant sur cette agression, Rebus découvre …

At night the summer sky stays light over Edinburgh. But in a shadowy, crumbling housing development, a junkie lies dead of an overdose, his bruised body surrounded by signs of Satanic worship. John Rebus could call the death and accident--but won't. Instead, he tracks down a violent-tempered young woman who knew the …

Le Gros Cafferty, chef de la pègre d'Édimbourg, est sous les verrous. Mais d'autres malfrats veulent profiter de l'opportunité pour s'emparer de ce juteux territoire. Faut-il laisser les loups se dévorer entre eux ? L'inspecteur Rébus n'est pas loin de le penser. Pourtant, lorsque sa propre fille se fait écraser par …

Detective John Rebus: His city is being terrorized by a baffling series of murders...and he's tied to a maniac by an invisible knot of blood. Once John Rebus served in Britain's elite SAS. Now he's an Edinburgh cop who hides from his memories, misses promotions and ignores a series of crank letters. But as the …