Kritika čistog uma je filozofsko djelo njemačkog filozofa Immanuela Kanta, poznato i pod nazivom "prva kritika" ili samo "kritika". Djelo je objavljeno 1781. ali 1787. objavljena je ponovno kao eksplicitno i znatno dopunjeno izdanje. "Kritika čistog uma" je Kantovo najznačajnije djelo i ubraja se u filozofske klasike. …

Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals is the first of Immanuel Kant's mature works on moral philosophy and remains one of the most influential in the field. Kant conceives his investigation as a work of foundational ethics—one that clears the ground for future research by explaining the core concepts and principles …

Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Present Itself as a Science is a book by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, published in 1783, two years after the first edition of his Critique of Pure Reason. One of Kant's shorter works, it contains a summary of the Critique‘s main conclusions, sometimes …

The Critique of Judgment, also translated as the Critique of the Power of Judgment and more commonly referred to as the third Critique, is a 1790 philosophical work by Immanuel Kant.

Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals is the first of Immanuel Kant's mature works on moral philosophy and remains one of the most influential in the field. Kant conceives his investigation as a work of foundational ethics—one that clears the ground for future research by explaining the core concepts and principles …

Kritika praktičkog uma je najvažnija od tri Kritike Immanuela Kanta, koja je, zapravo, nastavak prve Kritike. Sam pojam kritika za Kanta znači – granica, mogućnost. Dakle, on ovdje ne kritizira praktički um u pravom smislu te riječi, nego nam iznosi svoju teoriju o tome gdje su njegove granice, što on je i što može. …

The Metaphysics of Morals is Kant's final major work in moral philosophy. In it, he presents the basic concepts and principles of right and virtue and the system of duties of human beings as such. The work comprises two parts: the Doctrine of Right concerns outer freedom and the rights of human beings against one …

Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason is a 1793 book by the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. Although its purpose and original intent has become a matter of some dispute, the book's immense and lasting influence on the history of theology and the philosophy of religion is indisputable. It consists of four parts, …