Review of Schulz's Attempt at an introduction to a doctrine of morals for all human beings regardless of different religions -- An answer to the question, what is enlightenment? -- On the wrongfulness of unauthorized publication of books -- Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals -- Review of Gottlieb Hufeland's Essay …

"On Critique of Pure Reason: The text rendered by Pluhar is the work of an expert translator. . . the virtues of his text are manifold; his translation exhibits an incontrovertible mastery of both English and German. Equally important is the fact that Pluhar has given the original a very close read during the act of …

Kritik av det rena förnuftet är ett filosofiskt verk av Immanuel Kant, ibland benämnt så som "första kritiken". Verket gavs ut år 1781 men 1787 kom en betydligt mer explicit liksom avsevärt reviderad upplaga. "Kritik av det rena förnuftet" är Kants mest betydelsefulla verk och en av filosofins klassiker. I "Kritik av …