A vivid picture of nineteenth-century Russian society, but above all the poignant story of a man whose mortality becomes the only aspect of life that he shares with his fellow man.When Turgenev published Diary of a Superfluous Man in 1850, he created one of the first literary portraits of the alienated man. Turgenev …
Rudin is the first novel by Ivan Turgenev, a famous Russian writer best known for his short stories and the novel Fathers and Sons. Turgenev started to work on it in 1855, and it was first published in the literary magazine "Sovremennik" in 1856; several changes were made by Turgenev in subsequent editions. It is …
В навечерието е третият пореден роман на руския писател Иван Тургенев. Той е най-добре познат с разказите си и с романа Бащи и синове. В творбата си Тургенев украсява една любовна история с размисли за живота на средната класа, както и с малко изкуство и философска полемика. Николай Добролюбов се отнася критично към …