image of Йоганн Вольфганг фон Гете

Йоганн Вольфганг фон Гете

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This English verse translation of Goethe's West-Eastern Divan aims to give English-readers a fair indication of the themes, quality and flavour of Goethe's major cycle of lyric poetry. As far as possible it remains faithful to Goethe's metrical and rhyming patterns. The Divan's wealth of earnest depth and passion is …

... Unknown
... Unknown
... Unknown

Wilhelm Meister's Journeyman Years, or the Renunciants, is the fourth novel by German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and the sequel to the Bildungsroman Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Though initially conceived during the 1790s, the first edition did not appear until 1821, and the second edition—differing …