Robot Visions is a collection of science fiction short stories and factual essays by Isaac Asimov. Many of the stories are reprinted from other Asimov collections, particularly I, Robot and The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories. It also includes the title story, "Robot Visions", which combines Asimov's motifs of …

Earth Is Room Enough is a collection of seventeen short science fiction and fantasy stories and two pieces of comic verse published by Isaac Asimov in 1957. In his autobiography In Joy Still Felt, Asimov wrote, "I was still thinking of the remarks of reviewers such as George O. Smith . . . concerning my penchant for …

A stunning testament to his creative genius Forward The Foundation is a the sagas dramatic climax the story Asimov fans have been waiting for An exciting tale of danger intrigue and suspense Forward The Foundation brings to vivid life Asimovs best loved characters hero Hari Seldon who struggles to perfect his …

Nemesis is a science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov. One of his later science fiction novels, it was published in 1989, only three years before his death. The novel is loosely related to the future history into which he attempted to integrate his science fiction output, connecting several ideas from …

«Обнажённое солнце» — роман Айзека Азимова, являющийся продолжением «Стальных пещер». Книга была впервые опубликована в 1956 году. Повесть входит в цикл «Детектив Элайдж Бейли и робот Дэниел …

«Основание» — первая книга фантастической трилогии «Основание» Айзека Азимова. Роман представляет собой сборник из пяти рассказов впервые опубликованных в 1951 году под одной обложкой издательством Gnome Press. Роман неоднократно переиздавался под различными названиями, также появился под названием «Тысячелетний план» …

The fifth novel in Asimov's popular Foundation series opens with second thoughts. Councilman Golan Trevize is wondering if he was right to choose a collective mind as the best possible future for humanity over the anarchy of contentious individuals, nations and planets. To test his conclusion, he decides he must know …

«Основание и Империя» — роман, написанный Айзеком Азимовым и опубликованный издательством Gnome Press. Стал второй книгой серии «Основание» и четвёртой в данной фантастической хронологии. Роман состоит из двух частей, первоначально опубликованных как отдельные …

The Relativity of Wrong is a collection of seventeen essays on science, written by Isaac Asimov. The book explores and contrasts the viewpoint that "all theories are proven wrong in time", arguing that there exist degrees of wrongness. The book was the twentieth of a series of books collecting essays from The Magazine …