Een man alleen is een sciencefictionroman uit 1977 van de Amerikaanse schrijver Isaac Asimov. Dit boek is het eerste deel van zes jeugdboeken in de Lucky Starr-serie die verscheen tussen 1952 en 1958. Deze boeken werden oorspronkelijk uitgegeven onder het pseudoniem Paul French.
"The Ugly Little Boy" is a science fiction short story by Isaac Asimov. The story first appeared in the September 1958 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction under the title "Lastborn", and was reprinted under its current title in the 1959 collection Nine Tomorrows. The story deals with a Homo neanderthalensis child which is …
Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain is a 1987 science fiction novel by Isaac Asimov about a group of scientists that shrink to microscopic size in order to enter a human brain so that they can retrieve memories from a comatose colleague.
Ondergang is een sciencefictionroman uit 1990 van de Amerikaanse schrijvers Isaac Asimov en Robert Silverberg. Het verhaal Zonsondergang van Isaac Asimov diende als basis voor het boek.
Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare, by Isaac Asimov, vols I and II, ISBN 978-0-517-26825-4; Maps by the artist Rafael Palacios. This work gives a short guide to every Shakespeare play, and also his two epic poems. Asimov organizes the plays as follows: Greek Roman Italian The English Plays The last two categories are …
Asimov's Mysteries, published in 1968, is a collection of 14 short stories by Isaac Asimov, almost all of them science fiction mysteries. The stories were all originally published in magazines between 1954 and 1967, except for Marooned off Vesta, Asimov's first published story, which first appeared in 1939. Four …