«Академия на краю гибели» — научно-фантастический роман американского писателя Айзека Азимова, изданный в 1982 году издательством Doubleday. Роман стал четвёртой частью цикла «Основание» и шестой в данной фантастической хронологии. Это первый роман Азимова занесённый в список бестселлеров газеты «The New York Times». …

View from a Height is a collection of seventeen scientific essays by Isaac Asimov. It was the second of a series of books collecting essays from The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, written between 1959 and 1962. It was first published by Doubleday & Company in 1963. The collection includes the essay "By …

Второй фонд — роман Айзека Азимова, впервые опубликованный издательством Gnome Press. Роман стал третьей частью цикла «Основание» и пятой в данной фантастической хронологии. Роман состоит из двух частей, первоначально опубликованных как отдельные …

The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories is a science fiction anthology written and edited by Isaac Asimov. Following the usual form for Asimov collections, it consists of eleven short stories and a poem surrounded by commentary describing how each came to be written. The stories are as follows: "The Prime of Life" - …

The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories is a science fiction anthology written and edited by Isaac Asimov. Following the usual form for Asimov collections, it consists of eleven short stories and a poem surrounded by commentary describing how each came to be written. The stories are as follows: "The Prime of Life" - …

Nine Tomorrows is a collection of nine short stories and two pieces of comic verse by Isaac Asimov. The pieces were all originally published in magazines between 1956 and 1958, with the exception of the closing poem, "Rejection Slips", which was original to the collection. The book was first published in the United …

The Death Dealers is a mystery novel by Isaac Asimov published in 1958. It is about a university professor whose research student dies while conducting an experiment. The professor attempts to determine if the death was accident, suicide or murder.

Asimov's Mysteries, published in 1968, is a collection of 14 short stories by Isaac Asimov, almost all of them science fiction mysteries. The stories were all originally published in magazines between 1954 and 1967, except for Marooned off Vesta, Asimov's first published story, which first appeared in 1939. Four …

The Stars, Like Dust is a 1951 science fiction mystery book by writer Isaac Asimov. The book is part of Asimov's Galactic Empire series. It takes place before the actual founding of the Galactic Empire, and even before Trantor has become important. It starts with a young man attending the University of Earth. Biron …

Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection is a 1995 collection of stories and essays by American writer Isaac Asimov. The stories, which comprise the volume's first half, are short pieces which had remained uncollected at the time of Asimov's death. "Cal" describes a robot that wishes to write, and the title story …