The Return of the Black Widowers is a collection of short mystery stories by Isaac Asimov featuring his fictional club of mystery solvers, the Black Widowers. It was first published in hardcover by Carroll & Graf in December 2003, and in trade paperback by the same publisher in November 2005. This book is the last …

The Rest of the Robots is a collection of eight short stories and two full-length novels by Isaac Asimov. The stories, centred on positronic robots, are all part of the Robot series, most of which take place in the Foundation universe. Another collection of short stories about robots, I, Robot, was re-published in the …

The Positronic Man é um livro de ficção científica co-escrito por Isaac Asimov e Robert Silverberg, publicado nos EUA em 1992. Baseado no conto de Asimov, O Homem Bicentenário, o livro conta a estória de um robô que começa a mostrar algumas características, tais como criatividade; o robô, por fim, é considerado …

The Planet That Wasn't is a collection of seventeen scientific essays by Isaac Asimov. It was the twelfth of a series of books collecting essays from The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. These essays were first published between December 1974 and April 1976. It was first published by Doubleday & Company in …