A stunning testament to his creative genius. Forward The Foundation is a the saga's dramatic climax -- the story Asimov fans have been waiting for. An exciting tale of danger, intrigue, and suspense, Forward The Foundation brings to vivid life Asimov's best loved characters: hero Hari Seldon, who struggles to perfect …

Zelfs de goden, ook uitgebracht als De goden zelf is een sciencefictionroman uit 1972 van de Amerikaanse schrijver Isaac Asimov.

Robots and Empire is a science fiction novel written by the American author Isaac Asimov and published by Doubleday Books in 1985. It is part of Asimov's Robot series, which consists of many short stories and several novels. Robots and Empire is part of Asimov's consolidation of his three major series of science …

Het einde van eeuwigheid is een boek uit 1972 van de Amerikaanse schrijver Isaac Asimov over tijdreizen en social engineering. Hoewel in het boek, in tegenstelling tot veel van zijn boeken, geen robots voorkomen, is het thema hetzelfde. De mensheid wordt door een weliswaar goedbedoelende macht in bedwang gehouden, …

Nemesis is a science fiction novel by American writer Isaac Asimov. One of his later science fiction novels, it was published in 1989, only three years before his death. The novel is loosely related to the future history into which he attempted to integrate his science fiction output, connecting several ideas from …

One moment Joseph Schwartz is a happily retired tailor in Chicago, 1949. The next hes a helpless stranger on Earth during the heyday of the first Galactic Empire.Earth, as he soon learns, is a backwater, just a pebble in the sky, despised by all the other 200 million planets of the Empire because its people dare to …

De totale robot is een verzameling van robotverhalen geschreven door Isaac Asimov. Het bevat korte verhalen, geschreven tussen 1940 en 1976 waarvan er sommige al gebundeld werden in Ik, robot, De komst van de robots en andere.

The Stars, Like Dust is a 1951 science fiction mystery book by writer Isaac Asimov. The book is part of Asimov's Galactic Empire series. It takes place before the actual founding of the Galactic Empire, and even before Trantor has become important. It starts with a young man attending the University of Earth. Biron …

The Currents of Space is a science fiction novel by the American writer Isaac Asimov. It is the second of three books labeled the Galactic Empire series, though it was the last of the three he wrote. Each occurs after humans have settled many worlds in the galaxy — after the second wave of colonization that went …