An orphan raised in Valparaiso, Chile, by a Victorian spinster and her rigidbrother, vivacious young Eliza Sommers follows her lover to California during the Gold Rush of 1849. Entering a rough-and-tumble world of new arrivals driven mad by gold fever, Eliza moves in a society of single men and prostitutes with the …
Pub Date: 2014-04-22 Pages: 416 Language: English Publisher: HarperCollins Maya's Notebook is a startling novel of suspense from New York Times bestselling author Isabel Allende This contemporary coming-of-age story centers upon Maya Vidal. a remarkable teenager. abandoned by her parents. Maya grew up in a rambling …
"Listen, Paula. I am going to tell you a story so that when you wake up you will not feel so lost." So says Chilean writer Isabel Allende (The House of the Spirits) in the opening lines of the luminous, heart-rending memoir she wrote while her 28-year-old daughter Paula lay in a coma. In its pages, she ushers an …
In nineteenth-century Chile, Aurora del Valle suffers a brutal trauma that erases all recollections of the first five years of her life. Raised by her regal and ambitious grandmother Paulina del Valle, Aurora grows up in a privileged environment but is tormented by horrible nightmares. When she is forced to recognize …
In The Forest of the Pygmies, the final book in Isabel Allende’s page-turning adventure trilogy, young Alexander Cold, his friend Nadia Santos, and his grandmother Kate Cold go on assignment to Africa, where they discover a hidden world of corruption and slavery. Available in trade paperback for the first time, this …