image of Ismail Kadare

Ismail Kadare

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Chronicle in Stone is a novel by Ismail Kadare. First published in Albanian in 1971, and sixteen years later in English translation, it describes life in a small Albanian city during World War II. Translated by Arshi Pipa, an Albanian émigré who lived in the United States, the book was initially published in English …

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The Three Arched Bridge is a 1978 novel by Ismail Kadare. The story concerns a very old Albanian legend written in verses, namely "Legjenda e Rozafes" The book differs heavily from the original legend as the legend calls for a castle that is being built, not a bridge.

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A sinister totalitarian ministry called the Palace of Dreams recruits Mark-Alem to sort, classify, and interpret the dreams of the people in the empire, seeking the ""master-dreams"" that give clues to the empire's destiny. 10,000 first printing.

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Aprile spezzato è un romanzo scritto dall'autore albanese Ismail Kadare. Il tema trattato nella storia è la faida, ovvero uno dei pilastri del Kanun, che prima dell'avvento del comunismo regolava la vita degli albanesi nelle zone montuose dell'Albania settentrionale. Il libro è stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel …