A sinister totalitarian ministry called the Palace of Dreams recruits Mark-Alem to sort, classify, and interpret the dreams of the people in the empire, seeking the ""master-dreams"" that give clues to the empire's destiny. 10,000 first printing.

The Three Arched Bridge is a 1978 novel by Ismail Kadare. The story concerns a very old Albanian legend written in verses, namely "Legjenda e Rozafes" The book differs heavily from the original legend as the legend calls for a castle that is being built, not a bridge.

Chronicle in Stone is a novel by Ismail Kadare. First published in Albanian in 1971, and sixteen years later in English translation, it describes life in a small Albanian city during World War II. Translated by Arshi Pipa, an Albanian émigré who lived in the United States, the book was initially published in English …

Le Dossier H. est un roman de l'écrivain albanais Ismail Kadare publié en 1981. La traduction française, par Jusuf Vrioni, est parue chez Fayard en 1989. Le roman, à la fois sombre et humoristique, relate les recherches de deux homéristes sur l'épopée orale en Albanie, où ils sont suspectés d'espionnage.

Le Général de l'armée morte est le premier roman de l'auteur albanais Ismail Kadare en 1963. Il a été adapté au cinéma en 1983 par Luciano Tovoli. Il figure à la 81ᵉ place dans les cent livres du siècle.