Difficult Loves is a 1970 short story collection by Italo Calvino. It concerns love and the difficulty of communication. Some published versions of the English translation by William Weaver omit a number of the stories, and also include other Calvino stories about the Second World War and postwar period, including …

Meticulously selected and artfully recreated, the selection of stories in Italian is vast and ranges geographically from Corsica and Sicily to Venice and the Alps. Calvino is himself clearly captivated by the folkloric imagination and communicates this in what is a fascinating and rich addition to folk literature.

Difficult Loves is a 1970 short story collection by Italo Calvino. It concerns love and the difficulty of communication. Some published versions of the English translation by William Weaver omit a number of the stories, and also include other Calvino stories about the Second World War and postwar period, including …

Görünmez Kentler, Italo Calvino'nun 1972 yılında yayınladığı yapıtıdır. Kitapta, Marko Polo ile Kubilay Han'ın satranç oyunları esnasında gerçekleşen sohbetlerini konu alır. Sohbetler Marko Polo'nun gezileri üzerinedir. Anlatılan yerler, her birine bir kadın ismi verilmiş kurmaca kentlerdir. Calvino, anlatıyı …