Cesta okolo sveta za 80 dní je dobrodružný román francúzskeho spisovateľa Julesa Verna z jeho cyklu Podivuhodné cesty.
The Danube Pilot is a novel by Jules Verne. It was first published in 1908, three years after his death, and like most of the books published posthumously, had been extensively revised by his son, Michel. Part of the Voyages Extraordinaires series, it recounts the adventures of the lead character, a prize winner in …
A Floating City is an adventure novel by French writer Jules Verne first published in 1871. It tells of a woman who, on board the ship Great Eastern with her abusive husband, finds that the man she loves is also on board.
The Village in the Treetops is a 1901 novel by Jules Verne. The book, one of Verne's "Voyages Extraordinaires", is his take on Darwinism and human development.
Tajomný ostrov je jeden z najznámejších románov francúzskeho spisovateľa Julesa Verna z jeho cyklu Podivuhodné cesty. Tvorí záverečný diel voľnej trilógie, do ktorej ešte patria Deti kapitána Granta a Dvadsaťtisíc míľ pod morom. S predchádzajúcimi dielmi je spojený niektorými postavami a čiastočne aj miestom deja. …