《公共領域的結構轉型——論資產階級社會的類型》是德國哲學家尤爾根·哈貝馬斯於1962年出版的首部重要著作。本書闡發自他的教授職稱評定論文,由政治學家沃爾夫岡·阿本德羅特審閱。1989年,本書由托馬斯·伯格和弗雷德里克·勞倫斯譯介到英文學術界,引起了巨大反響,為哈貝馬斯贏得了世界性聲譽。 …

Between Facts and Norms is a 1992 book on deliberative politics by the German political philosopher Jürgen Habermas. The culmination of the project that Habermas began with The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere in 1962, it represents a lifetime of political thought on the nature of democracy and law.

The Theory of Communicative Action is a 1981 book by Jürgen Habermas, in which he continues his project set out in On the Logic of the Social Sciences of finding a way to ground "the social sciences in a theory of language." The two volumes are Reason and the Rationalization of Society in which Habermas establishes a …

The Theory of Communicative Action is a 1981 book by Jürgen Habermas, in which he continues his project set out in On the Logic of the Social Sciences of finding a way to ground "the social sciences in a theory of language." The two volumes are Reason and the Rationalization of Society in which Habermas establishes a …

Legitimation Crisis is a 1973 book by Jürgen Habermas, published in English in 1975 by Beacon Press, translated and with an introduction by Thomas McCarthy. It was originally published by Suhrkamp.