Crossing the Threshold of Hope was written in 1994 by Pope John Paul II. It was published originally in Italian by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore and in English by Alfrede A. Knopf, Inc. It is distributed by Random House, Inc., New York City. By 1998, the book had sold several million copies and was published in forty …
Láska a zodpovednosť je kniha napísaná kardinálom Karolom Wojtyłom. Zaoberá sa otázkami sexuálnej etiky, výkladom manželstva a obhajuje tradičné kresťanské učenie o ňom z úplne nového filozofického pohľadu. Prvý raz vyšla v Poľsku v roku 1960, neskôr bola preložená aj do iných jazykov. Do slovenčiny bola preložená v …
Evangelium Vitae is the name of the encyclical written by Pope John Paul II which expresses the position of the Catholic Church regarding the value and inviolability of human life. The Pope issued the encyclical on 25 March 1995.
The Jeweler's Shop is a three-act play, written by Pope John Paul II in 1960, that looks at three couples as their lives become intertwined and mingled with one another. The play looks at humanity's ideas and expectations of romantic love and marriage. It is a truthful and animated look at the way people are when in …