A new collection of essays and literary criticism from the Nobel Prize winner. In addition to being one of the most acclaimed and accomplished fiction writers in the world, Coetzee is also a literary critic of the highest caliber. As Derek Attridge observes in his introduction, reading Coetzee's nonfiction offers one …

J. M. Coetzee is, without question, one of the world's greatest novelists. This volume gathers together for the first time in book form twenty-nine pieces on books, writing, photography and the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa. Stranger Shores opens with 'What is a Classic?' in which Coetzee explores the answer to …

"J.M. Coetzee's vision goes to the nerve center of being."—Nadine Gordimer J.M. Coetzee's latest novel, The Schooldays of Jesus, is now available from Viking. Late Essays: 2006-2017 will be available January 2018. A shattering pair of novellas in the tradition of Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Dusklands probes the links …

The Lives of Animals is a metafictional novella about animal rights by the South African novelist J. M. Coetzee, recipient of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Literature. The work is introduced by Amy Gutmann and followed by a collection of responses by Marjorie Garber, Peter Singer, Wendy Doniger and Barbara Smuts. It was …

In the Heart of the Country is an early novel by South African-born Nobel laureate J. M. Coetzee. The book is notable for being one of Coetzee's more experimental novels and is narrated through 266 numbered paragraphs rather than chapters.

The Master of Petersburg is a 1994 novel by South African writer J. M. Coetzee. The novel is a work of fiction but features the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky as its protagonist. It is a deep, complex work that draws on the life of Dostoyevsky, the life of the author and the history of Russia to produce profoundly …

Summertime is a 2009 novel by South African-born Nobel laureate J. M. Coetzee. It is the third in a series of fictionalized memoirs by Coetzee and details the life of one John Coetzee from the perspective of five people who have known him. The novel largely takes place in the mid to late 1970s, largely in Cape Town, …

L'edat de ferro és una novel·la escrita pel premi Nobel sud-africà John Maxwell Coetzee el 1990 amb el títol original en anglès de Age of Iron. Traduïda al català el 2002 per Dolors Udina li fou atorgat el Premi llibreter l'any següent. La novel·la s'ambienta a Ciutat del Cap al final del règim de l'apartheid. La …

Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life is a fictionalised autobiographical work by J. M. Coetzee, and focuses on his years spent growing up in South Africa.