《偶发空缺》是哈利波特系列作者罗琳的最新一部小说,是继五年前罗琳完成哈利波特后的第一部小说,亦是首部以成人读者为取向的小说,已于2012年9月27日出版。此小说主要描述教区议会议员巴里死亡后遗留下的教区议员席次,所引发一场的争夺战。 故事设定在一座名为“帕格镇”的西部郊镇,从受大家喜爱的教区议会议员巴里.菲尔布拉泽的死亡揭开序幕。接着议会席位空出了一个席次,而在补选完成前伴随着许多的冲突。而派系的冲突乃主要肇因于教区议会下的房地产“丛地”是由已故议员巴里所支持的。然而,为了夺位所引发的一连串事件,很快的引发有人利用教区议会网站的留言板以揭发不为人知的秘密,而捣乱了整个补选并带来动荡。 …
J.K. Rowling, one of the world's most inspiring writers, shares her wisdom and advice. In 2008, J.K. Rowling delivered a deeply affecting commencement speech at Harvard University. Now published for the first time in book form, VERY GOOD LIVES presents J.K. Rowling's words of wisdom for anyone at a turning point in …
A heartwarming, page-turning adventure about one child's love for his most treasured thing, and how far he will go to find it. A tale for the whole family to fall in love with, from one of the world’s greatest storytellers.One boy and his toy are about to change everything...Jack loves his childhood toy, Dur Pig. DP …