image of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

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The editors of the best-selling rediscovered Tolkien novel Roverandom present an expanded edition of Tolkien's beloved classic Farmer Giles of Ham, complete with a map, the original story outline, the original first-edition illustrations by Pauline Baynes, and the author's notes for an unpublished sequel. Farmer Giles …

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Finn and Hengest is a study by J. R. R. Tolkien, edited by Alan Bliss and published posthumously in book form in 1982. Finn and Hengest are two Anglo-Saxon heroes appearing in the Old English epic poem Beowulf and in the fragment of "The Fight at Finnsburg". Hengest has sometimes been identified with the Jutish king …

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Gospodar prstanov je fantazijski roman angleškega pisatelja in jezikoslovca J.R.R. Tolkiena. V slovenščini je doživel dva prevoda. Novejši prevod je opravil Branko Gradišnik. Roman je pisatelj na zahtevo založnika razdelil na tri dele - po vrsti si sledijo: Bratovščina prstana, Stolpa in Kraljeva vrnitev. Roman je …