Beowulf and the Critics by J. R. R. Tolkien is a book edited by Michael D. C. Drout that presents scholarly editions of the two manuscript versions of Tolkien's essays or lecture series "Beowulf and the Critics", which served as the basis for the much shorter 1936 lecture "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics". …

El Senyor dels Anells és una novel·la de fantasia èpica escrita per John R.R. Tolkien, com a fruit de la seva primera i reeixida obra, El Hòbbit. Es va publicar originalment en tres volums, entre 1954 i 1955. Fou traduïda al català per Francesc Parcerisas entre 1986 i 1988, uns trenta anys després de la seva …

Finn and Hengest is a study by J. R. R. Tolkien, edited by Alan Bliss and published posthumously in book form in 1982. Finn and Hengest are two Anglo-Saxon heroes appearing in the Old English epic poem Beowulf and in the fragment of "The Fight at Finnsburg". Hengest has sometimes been identified with the Jutish king …