The Town and the City er en roman af den amerikanske forfatter Jack Kerouac, udgivet i 1950. Den var det første større værk, som Kerouac, der senere blev berømt med sin anden roman On the Road, udgav. Som stor set alle Jack Kerouacs værker er The Town and the City dybest set selvbiografisk, selvom det måske er i …

Doctor Sax is a novel by Jack Kerouac published in 1959. Kerouac wrote it in 1952 while living with William S. Burroughs in Mexico City.

Maggie Cassidy is a novel by the American writer Jack Kerouac, first published in 1959. It is a largely autobiographical work about Kerouac's early life in Lowell, Massachusetts, from 1938 to 1939, and chronicles his real-life relationship with his teenage sweetheart Mary Carney. It is unique for Kerouac for its high …

Vanity of Duluoz er en selvbiografisk roman fra 1968 af den amerikanske forfatter Jack Kerouac. Bogen beskriver Kerouacs alter ego, Jack Duluoz' oplevelser i perioden 1935-1946. Bogen indeholder minder fra forfatterens gymnasietid i Lowell, Massachusetts, hans studier ved Columbia University og hans senere tjeneste i …

Visions of Gerard er en roman fra 1963 af den amerikanske beatforfatter Jack Kerouac. Som noget enestående i Kerouacs romaner, fokuserer Visions of Gerard på hændelser og følelser fra hans barndom, bl.a. storebroderens Gerards tragisk korte men lykkelige liv. Kerouac maler et billede af drengen som en helgen, der …

Book of Dreams is an experimental novel published by Jack Kerouac in 1960, culled from the dream journal he kept from 1952 to 1960. In it Kerouac tries to continue plot-lines with characters from his books as he sees them in his dreams. This book is stylistically wild, spontaneous, and flowing, like much of Kerouac's …

Book of Haikus is a collection of haiku poetry by Jack Kerouac. It was first published in 2003 and edited by Regina Weinreich. It consists of some 500 poems selected from a corpus of nearly 1,000 haiku jotted down by Kerouac in small notebooks. Although most of the poetry in Book of Haikus is original, some haiku are …

Scattered Poems is a collection of spontaneous poetry by Jack Kerouac. These poems were gathered from underground and ephemeral publications, as wells as from notebooks kept by the author. Some poems include: "San Francisco Blues," the variant texts of "Pull My Daisy," and American haikus.