image of Jack Vance

Jack Vance

... Unknown

The Languages of Pao is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance, first published in 1958, in which the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis is a central theme. A shorter version was published in Satellite Science Fiction in late 1957. After the Avalon Books hardcover appeared the next year, it was reprinted in paperback by Ace Books …

... Unknown

Les Basiques reviennent, tous les signaux l’indiquent. Eux et leur vaisseau capable de bondir entre les étoiles. Eux et leurs armes énergétiques au pouvoir de destruction sans égal. Mais sur Aerlith, ultime bastion d’une humanité traquée, Joaz Banbeck est prêt. Et avec lui sa cohorte de dragons dédiés à la guerre : la …

... Unknown

Trullion: Alastor 2262 is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance first published by Ballantine Books. It is one of three books set in the Alastor Cluster, "a whorl of thirty thousand live stars in an irregular volume twenty to thirty light-years in diameter." Three thousand of the star systems are inhabited by five …

... Unknown

The Faceless Man is a prisoner in his own palace. His power over the people of Durdane is in the hands of Gastel Etzwane, a youth whose thirst for vengeance against the dreaded Rogushkoi would be slaked only by oceans of their blood. For these invincible foes who threatened Durdane had taken and killed his mother and …

... Unknown

Le Wankh est un roman de science-fiction de l'auteur américain Jack Vance publié aux États-Unis en 1969 puis paru en France en 1971. Ce roman est le second volume du Cycle de Tschaï, après Le Chasch.

... Unknown