Ports of Call is a science fiction adventure novel by Jack Vance. It is followed by the novel Lurulu. It follows a young man named Myron Tany on a picaresque journey through the Gaean Reach.
The Pnume is the final science fiction adventure novel in the tetralogy Tschai, Planet of Adventure. Written by Jack Vance, it tells of the efforts to return to Earth by the sole survivor of a human starship destroyed while investigating a mysterious signal from the distant planet Tschai.
Ecce and Old Earth is a 1991 science fiction novel by Jack Vance, the middle novel in the Cadwal Chronicles trilogy, set in Vance's Gaean Reach. It follows Araminta Station and precedes Throy.
Throy is a 1992 science fiction novel by Jack Vance, the final work in the Cadwal Chronicles, a trilogy set in Vance's Gaean Reach. The preceding novels are Araminta Station and Ecce and Old Earth.