Night Lamp on Jack Vancen vuonna 1996 ilmestynyt tieteisromaani. Teoksessa muistinsa menettänyt päähenkilö Jaro Fath etsii menneisyyttään.

Cugel's Saga is a picaresque fantasy novel by Jack Vance, published by Timescape in 1983, the third book in the Dying Earth series, the first volume of which appeared in 1950. The narrative of Cugel's Saga continues from the point at which it left off at the end of The Eyes of the Overworld. The Internet Speculative …

Araminta Station is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance. It is the first part of the Cadwal Chronicles, a trilogy set in the Gaean Reach, the other two novels being Ecce and Old Earth and Throy.

The Eyes of the Overworld on Jack Vancen fantasiaromaani vuodelta 1966. Teos sijoittuu nimellisesti samaan ympäristöön kuin Vancen esikoisteos Iltaruskon maa, mutta on tyyliltään erilainen. Kirjan päähenkilö on huijari ja varas nimeltä Cugel. Kirjailijan alkuperäinen nimi teokselle oli Cugel the Clever, millä nimellä …

The Lyonesse sequence evokes the Elder Isles, is a baroque land of pre-Arthurian myth now lost beneath the Atlantic, where powerful sorcerers, aloof faeries, stalwart champions, and nobles eccentric, magnanimous, and cruel pursue intrigue among their separate worlds . . . King Aillas of Troicinet defends the peace of …

Iltaruskon maa on Jack Vancen fantasianovellien kokoelma, joka julkaistiin romaanina 1950.

Jack Vance is one of the most remarkable talents to ever grace the world of science fiction. His unique, stylish voice has been beloved by generations of readers. One of his enduring classics is his 1964 novel, The Dying Earth, and its sequels--a fascinating, baroque tale set on a far-future Earth, under a giant red …