Showboat World, written in 1975, is the second, stand-alone novel in a pair of science fiction novels by Jack Vance that share the same setting, a backward, lawless, metal-poor world called Big Planet.

Servants of the Wankh is the second science fiction adventure novel in the tetralogy Tschai, Planet of Adventure. Written by Jack Vance, it tells of the efforts of the sole survivor of a human starship destroyed by an unknown enemy to return to Earth from the distant planet Tschai.

Rhialto the Marvellous is a collection of one essay and three fantasy stories by Jack Vance, first published in 1984 by Brandywyne Books, a special edition three months before the regular. It is the fourth and concluding book in the Dying Earth series that Vance inaugurated in 1950. One of the stories was previously …