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At the Bottom of the River is a collection of short stories by Caribbean novelist Jamaica Kincaid. Published in 1983, it was her first short story collection. The collection consists of ten inter-connected short stories, seven of which were previously published in The New Yorker and The Paris Review between 1978 and …

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Mr. Potter is a novel by Antiguan born writer Jamaica Kincaid. The book has twelve parts with no title and the author narrates how it is to be a girl that grew without having a father and how this fact reflected on her. Prose and poem are mixed in this memoir, so the genre is very difficult to define. The author …

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Lucy is a short novel or novella by Jamaica Kincaid. The story begins in medias res: the eponymous Lucy has come from the West Indies to the United States to be an au pair for a wealthy white family. The plot of the novel closely mirrors Kincaid's own experiences. Lucy retains the critical tone of A Small Place but …