The Digging Leviathan is a science fiction novel written by James Blaylock. It was first published in 1984 by Ace Books. The source was Blaylock's first novel The Chinese Circus, which was never finished.
The Man in the Moon was James Blaylock’s first completed novel, however it remained unpublished for decades. It was meant to be the first of fantasy series about a world peopled by elves, dwarves, goblins, and normal people, as well as a smattering of wizards, witches, and other fanciful beings. Written and submitted …
The Stone Giant is James Blaylock’s prequel to his first published book, The Elfin Ship, and thus the end of a loose trilogy of comic fantasy novels including The Disappearing Dwarf. Although written some years after the other two novels, the setting once again features a mix of fantasy and steampunk elements but …