Shogun, av James Clavell, är en bok från 1975 som utspelar sig i det feodala Japan omkring år 1600. Berättelsen är baserad till del på verkliga historiska händelser i Japan; dock har huvudfigurernas namn ändrats i boken. Boken filmatiserades i en TV-serie. Shogun handlar om den engelske lotsen John Blackthorne som …

Tai Pan är en historisk roman skriven av James Clavell. Romanen utspelar sig i Hong Kong sktrax efter slutet på Första opiumkriget, 1842. Boken är den andra i Clavells serie om den Asiatiska sviten, föregången av Shōgun och efterföljd av Gai-Jin. Bokens huvudkaraktär är Dirk Struan, en skotsk handelsman och ledare för …

King Rat is a 1962 novel by James Clavell. Set during World War II, Clavell's literary debut describes the struggle for survival of British, Australian, Dutch, New Zealand and American prisoners of war in a Japanese camp in Singapore—a description informed by Clavell's own three-year experience as a prisoner in the …

Noble House is a novel by James Clavell, published in 1981 and set in Hong Kong in 1963. It is a massive book, well over 1000 pages, with dozens of characters and numerous intermingling plot lines. In 1988, it was adapted as a television miniseries for NBC, starring Pierce Brosnan. The miniseries updates the storyline …

Gai-Jin is a 1993 novel by James Clavell, chronologically the third book in his Asian Saga, although it was the last to be published. Taking place about 20 years after the events of Tai-Pan, it chronicles the adventures of Malcolm Struan, the son of Culum and Tess Struan, in Japan. The story delves deeply into the …

Whirlwind is a novel by James Clavell, first published in 1986. It forms part of The Asian Saga and is chronologically the last book in the series. Set in Iran in early 1979, it follows the fortunes of a group of Struans helicopter pilots, Iranian officials and oil men and their families in the turmoil surrounding the …

"The Children's Story" is a 4,300 word short story by James Clavell, which appeared in Reader's Digest and was republished in book form in 1981. It is also the title of a 1982 short film based upon the story, that aired on Mobil Showcase. As of April 2010, this book is still in print.

Noble House is a novel by James Clavell, published in 1981 and set in Hong Kong in 1963. It is a massive book, well over 1000 pages, with dozens of characters and numerous intermingling plot lines. In 1988, it was adapted as a television miniseries for NBC, starring Pierce Brosnan. The miniseries updates the storyline …

Shogun, av James Clavell, är en bok från 1975 som utspelar sig i det feodala Japan omkring år 1600. Berättelsen är baserad till del på verkliga historiska händelser i Japan; dock har huvudfigurernas namn ändrats i boken. Boken filmatiserades i en TV-serie. Shogun handlar om den engelske lotsen John Blackthorne som …