The Black Dahlia is a neo-noir crime novel by American author James Ellroy, taking inspiration from the true story of the murder of Elizabeth Short. It is widely considered to be the book that elevated Ellroy out of typical genre fiction status, and with which he started to garner critical attention as a serious …

L.A. Confidential is neo-noir novel by James Ellroy, and the third of his L.A. Quartet series. James Ellroy dedicated L.A. Confidential "to Mary Doherty Ellroy". The epigraph is "A glory that costs everything and means nothing—Steve Erickson."

The Big Nowhere is a 1988 crime fiction novel by James Ellroy, the second of the L.A. Quartet, a series of novels set in 1940s and 1950s Los Angeles. James Ellroy dedicated The Big Nowhere "To Glenda Revelle." The epigraph for The Big Nowhere is a passage from a novel; "It was written that I should be loyal to the …

『The Black Dahlia』(邦題『ブラック・ダリア』)、 『The Big Nowhere』(邦題『ビッグ・ノーウェア』)、 『L.A. Confidential』(邦題『LAコンフィデンシャル』)、 『White Jazz』(邦題『ホワイト・ジャズ』)、 『American Tabloid』(邦題『アメリカン・タブロイド』)…。たたみかけるような文体のベスト・セラー小説群で、ジェイムズ・エルロイは現代アメリカの歴史にひそむ闇の世界を精緻に暴き、同時代の暗黒を定義し直してきた。そして、『The Cold Six …

Los Angeles, 1958. Killings, beatings, bribes, shakedowns--it's standard procedure for Lieutenant Dave Klein, LAPD. He's a slumlord, a bagman, an enforcer--a power in his own small corner of hell. Then the Feds announce a full-out investigation into local police corruption, and everything goes haywire.Klein's been …

My Dark Places: An L.A. Crime Memoir is a 1996 book, part investigative journalism and part memoir, by American crime-fiction writer James Ellroy. Ellroy's mother Geneva was murdered in 1958, when he was 10 years old, and the killer was never identified. The book is Ellroy's account of his attempt to solve the mystery …

Brown's Requiem is a 1981 crime novel, the first novel by American author James Ellroy. Ellroy dedicated Brown's Requiem, "to Randy Rice".

Killer on the Road is a crime novel by James Ellroy. First published in 1986, it is a non-series book between the Lloyd Hopkins Trilogy and the L.A. Quartet. It was first released by Avon as a mass-market paperback original under the title Silent Terror. But the title intended by Ellroy is Killer on the Road, and it …