The Wind from Nowhere, first published in 1961 is the debut novel by English author J.G. Ballard. Prior to this, his published work had consisted solely of short stories. The novel was the first of a series of Ballard novels dealing with scenarios of "natural disaster", in this case seeing civilization reduced to …
Memories of the Space Age is a collection of Science fiction stories by author J.G. Ballard. It was released in 1988 by Arkham House. It was published in an edition of 4,903 copies and was the author's first book published by Arkham House. The stories, set at Cape Canaveral, originally appeared in the magazines Ambit, …
Millennium People is a novel by J. G. Ballard published in 2003. The novel is the story of a rebellion in the middle classes in an enclave of Greater London.
Mythes d'un futur proche est un recueil de nouvelles de J. G. Ballard, publié pour la première fois en 1982. Il contient dix histoires : Mythes d'un futur proche La belle vie Hôte de furieux fantasmes Zodiaque 2000 Nouvelles du Soleil Théâtre de guerre Le temps mort Le sourire Décor de motel Service de réanimation Le …