Murder at School is a detective novel by James Hilton first published in 1931. It was released in the United States the following year under the title, Was It Murder?.
Orizzonte perduto è un romanzo fantastico dello scrittore britannico James Hilton. Ebbe un vasto successo popolare e utilizzò il genere del mondo perduto come base di partenza per filosofia popolare e critica sociale. Introdusse il nome di Shangri-La, divenuto un meme per l'idealizzazione del mondo perduto come …
Random Harvest is a novel written by James Hilton, first published in 1941. Like previous Hilton works, including Lost Horizon and Goodbye, Mr. Chips, the novel was immensely popular, placing second on The New York Times list of best-selling novels for the year. The novel was successfully adapted into a film of the …