Lost Horizon is a 1933 novel by English writer James Hilton. The book was turned into a movie, also called Lost Horizon, in 1937 by director Frank Capra. It is best remembered as the origin of Shangri-La, a fictional utopian lamasery high in the mountains of Tibet.

O lume dispărută este un roman scris în anul 1912 de Arthur Conan Doyle, despre o expediție pe un platou abrupt din America de Sud, unde supraviețuiesc animale preistorice, precum dinozauri și alte specii dispărute. Personajul profesorului Challenger a fost introdus în această carte. Demn de semnalat este faptul că, …

Goodbye, Mr. Chips is a novella about the life of a schoolteacher, Mr. Chipping, written by the English writer James Hilton, first published by Hodder & Stoughton in October 1934. The novel has been adapted into two films and two television adaptations.

Random Harvest is a novel written by James Hilton, first published in 1941. Like previous Hilton works, including Lost Horizon and Goodbye, Mr. Chips, the novel was immensely popular, placing second on The New York Times list of best-selling novels for the year. The novel was successfully adapted into a film of the …